After Hours for Adults/Teens

The Slater Library welcomes adults and teens (16+) to join us for After Hours at the Library! Contact the library to sign up @ (860) 376-0024.

Fall 2024 After Hours Tuesday events:

Tuesday, October 15th @ 6PM:

Heroes & Headaches: New England’s Story of Pirates and Pirate Hunters

presented by Luca Rebussini. Come sail back in time with us to a sea ruled

by Pirates and learn about their reign of terror and those who hunted them

down. This interactive, educational program (of course it is educational,

Luca is a Social Studies teacher) will highlight the who and why along with

weapons and tactics. Join us to explore this fascinating time in history.

Tuesday, November 19th @ 6PM

Griswold High School Chamber Choir directed by Raymond Churchill. 

This 20-member group is known for their acapella arrangements regularly

winning awards and acclamation in competitions across the state and

country. They will be presenting a variety of music highlighting the

upcoming holiday season. This program will be open to all ages, families


Join us at Slater Library for these fun, entertaining and informative events. After Hours @ Slater Library are for Adult/Teen Audiences except this year’s Choir event which is Multi-Generational, and free! Please stop in at 26 Main Street, Jewett City CT or call 860-376-0024 to reserve your seat.

Past events:

“HER MAJESTY” Queen Elizabeth II – Monday, May 20th, 6pm

Under the Tents! Outdoor kick off for Summer – Friday, June 14th, 2-4pm

Connecticut Authors Trail – Tuesday, July 23rd, 6pm