After Hours for Adults/Teens

Upcoming Events:

Slater Library Open House Art Show, April 12, 2025 2-6 pm

Stop in and support our local artists and they exhibit their beautiful works!  This annual event is not to be missed! Refreshments provided.

The World of Carousels, May 6, 2025 6-7:30 pm

Prepare to embark on a unique journey into the thrilling history of carousels with an educator from The Carousel Museum in Bristol.  Uncover the surprising complexity of this seemingly simple ride, which transcends from amusement parks to fine art. Carousels are a world of unexpected wonders.  Are you prepared to be fascinated?    

Teen/Adult After Hours Program; call the library @ (860) 376-0024 to sign-up.

Past Programs:

Tuesday, November 19th @ 6PM

Griswold High School Chamber Choir directed by Raymond Churchill. 

This 20-member group is known for their acapella arrangements regularly

winning awards and acclamation in competitions across the state and

country. They will be presenting a variety of music highlighting the

upcoming holiday season. This program will be open to all ages, families


“HER MAJESTY” Queen Elizabeth II – Monday, May 20th, 6pm

Under the Tents! Outdoor kick off for Summer – Friday, June 14th, 2-4pm

Connecticut Authors Trail – Tuesday, July 23rd, 6pm